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The benefits of having a website to promote business growth

A business website and its goal

A website is a collection of linked web pages (hyperlinked documents) that share related content under a common domain name that is powered by a web server (computer store).

The goal of a company website is to assist in business growth by providing quality, up-to-date, and easily accessible content that adds value and meets the needs of its target audience.

The website allows customers to make choices out of the many options given to them. You have to address the question of what the visitors should do to assist you in achieving your goal of business growth.

Appearance of a website

The look and appearance of a website should be appealing to visitors as it has replaced a well-designed physical business center of the organization.

It should provide adequate guidelines for what visitors should do when they are on the website.

It is a self-service virtual business center where visitors come to get information about products, prices, and, options to choose from to do business with the organization.

Accessibility of a website

A website should be easily accessible by visitors from any location through the internet using desktops, laptops, tablets, and, smartphones.

A website should be a smart doorway reception or business center through which visitors can access information relating to the business of an organization using search engines.

The visitor should be able to navigate through the website using the simple act of clicking. The website should be search engine compliant.

Impact of the website

for the customers to feel the impact tell them what you offer, explain to them the benefits of what you offer, and explain to them what they need to do to buy what you offer.

Additional things to do to get the impact more felt will include the following among others;

  1. Providing high-quality videos;
  2. Uploading informative articles on your blog;
  3. Optimizing your website;
  4. Ensuring high-quality appearance;
  5. Ensuring consistency in your web pages and
  6. Including customers’ testimonials or references.

Qualities of a good website

A website should give the visitors an experience that they are welcome as important visitors to the organization.

They should feel at home especially when they reach the home page. The menu on the home page is easily understandable by visitors to serve themselves.

Overall the website should have the following qualities

        1. Beautiful and welcoming home page

      The visitors should have the experience of being welcomed to visit the organization and the menu should be clear enough.

        1. High-quality content

      The content should be well-written and up-to-date with clear guidelines on what to do after reading through.

        1. Easy for self-service

      The website should encourage a self-service approach through the act of clicking and should have search facilities within the website.

        1. Faster access to the home page in a few seconds

      It should be search engine optimized so that it can be accessed in less than 5 seconds. The ideal speed should be in about two seconds.

        1. Mobile gadgets

      The visitor should be able to access the website using mobile access gadgets.

        1. Optimized to search engines

      It should be optimized for access by visitors using search engines.

Benefits of a good website

The website offers the following benefits that enhance the capacity of an organization to grow its business;

      1. The website can communicate organization information to target customers around the world hence increasing the visibility or image of an organization and the chances of customers opting to buy its products or services.
      2. The website can be designed to address the specific needs of the target customers hence getting value from the organization.
      3. A good website enhances the image and credibility of an organization making it easy for customers to do business with it.
      4. The website makes the organization available online 24/7 to attend to meet the needs of its customers. The organization should be able to do business day and night using technology.
      5. The website makes it easy to build a customer base making it easy for the organization to keep them reminded or updated on what the organization offers and its value proposition.
      6. A good website offers self-service facilities at the convenience of its customers to enable them to buy at their convenience;
      7. It is cheaper to do business through the website because it is available 24/7 and technology-driven and the organization sells directly to consumers. There is no need for printing and delivery of physical documents.
      8. The organization can host a virtual shop that enables the customers to pick the products that they want to buy at their convenience

Therefore, a well-designed website gives an organization the capacity to attract, serve, and retain customers. Well-looked-after customers easily become ambassadors of an organization.

Things that annoy visitors on the websites

The visitors to your website should experience being welcomed as very important guests and the organization should avoid annoying them when they visit through the website.

Things that annoy them include the following among others;

      • Slow speed to access your websites frustrate them;
      • Poorly designed website messes with the image and visibility of an organization;
      • When they cannot easily access the website because its search engines are not optimized;
      • When the website has many broken links or pages;
      • There is no search facility within your website;
      • The visitors do not feel secure on your website because of its security ranking;
      • The content is poorly written and assembled and it is out of date;
      • The website is overcrowded with information making it hard for customers to understand it.
      • Funny advertisements from other sources that are linked to your website


A professionally designed website is an asset to the organization because it is a doorway through which many potential customers can reach the product or service offerings of an organization.

It enhances the chances of customers buying the products and services of an organization.